Health Fair at the Sai Unity Center, Greater Boston, MA

SSSIO members of the four Sri Sathya Sai Centers of the Greater Boston area have carried out free health fairs biannually at their newly acquired facility in Lowell, MA. The events, which offer a range of healthcare services, have served about 200-250 visitors, including many from underserved ethnic communities. The health fairs have also drawn several medical volunteers outside the Sai community. The events have been well supported by the local town administrators and community agencies.

Tree planting, Nashville, TN

Members, including SSE children, of the Sri Sathya Sai Center of Nashville, TN, spent a day planting more than 400 native trees at a local forest park, guided by a park ranger who instructed them on the proper way to plant trees. In the process, Sai volunteers learnt the vital role trees play in protecting the city waterways, and the value of restoring the natural ecosystem and encouraging biodiversity.

Happy Bags, Grants Pass, OR

Members of the Sri Sathya Sai Center of Grant Pass, OR, regularly pack Ziplock bags of essential items such as hygiene products and winter accessories to distribute to the homeless. They describe the loving spirit of Oneness they bring to serving and treating the homeless as a divine reflection of themselves.

Sai is the Pilot

A center officer describes how he and his fellow officers were led by inner guidance from Swami to let Him pilot them through the uncertainties the center faced during the pandemic.